MYSOFT Data System Corp., formerly known as Express Software Corp. is a business software developer serving the logistics industry. Established in 1988, we have been developing database driven business applications for all sector of logistics. Reorganized in 2002 as MYSOFT, our mission is to build the best logistics business software solution for the industry and become the standard for logistics in the new millennium. We know this task will not be easy. The competition is tough. However, over the 15 years of service experience, we have accumulated much knowledge and insight about the business of logistics. We have also matured with the IT industry, from the IBM286 to the age of the Internet. Most importantly, we have built strong relationships with logistics professionals in the U.S. as well as throughout Asia. Since the initial launch of Forward Express under Express Software, we have over 200 implementations throughout the world. (Seoul, Hong Kong, Shenzen, Shanghai, Vietnam, Panama, and others) Although, each of these companies operates differently, the basic core of our system did not need to change. Our current suite of logistics products under MYSOFT incorporates MYFreight(TM), MYWarehouse(TM), MYTrucking(TM) and other logistics business applications. Our next generation system, MYLogistics(TM) is currently under development. The founders of MYSOFT Data System Corp., Young Kim/President. That vision is to transform, meet and exceed the standards and expectations of the logistics industrys business software user community. This will be achieved by designing and developing a solution that raises productivity, increases efficiency, ultimately translating into higher profitability. YOUR SOFTware solution is MYSOFT It is MYSOFTs vision to provide the best international logistics software solution to the industry. We are continually working toward the realization of this vision. That knowledge is the wealth our clients enjoy. To find out more please contact
Excellent Solution For Your Business

We'll Make Sure System Works For Your Need

Our current suite of logistics products under MYSOFT incorporates MYFreight(TM), MYWarehouse(TM), MYTrucking(TM) and other logistics business applications. Our next generation system, MYLogistics(TM) is currently available for your business.
* Combined/Single Branch Processing/Reporting
* Multi-Branch B/L Processing
* On-line Web Tracking
* Centralized/Distributed Operation/Billing capability
* E-mail enabled (Transmit .pdf attachments, Batching)
* Integrated Accounting (A/R, A/P, AGENT, BANK)
* Multi-Currency (USD / Local Currency)
* Documentation (AIR, OCEAN, IMPORT, EXPORT)
* EDI Ready (XML, ANSI X12, Fixed Length,(TM)
* Statistics and Management Information Reporting
* Job Locking / Other Security Functionality
MYFreight Features
- MYFreight(TM)
MYFreight(TM) System - MYWarehouse(TM)
MYWarehouse(TM) System - MYTrucking(TM)
MYWarehouse(TM) System - MYLogistics(TM)
MYLogistics(TM) System